
Solving the Santa Claus problem using Ocaml

Santa’s problem

Not much time left till Xmas.. Haven’t you ever wondered how Santa is doing all his business with those elves and reindeer? And why?
Even if you don’t care, there are people who do. At least one. John Trono of St. Michael’s College in Vermont was so much worried about how Santa can handle all that stuff, that he decided to emulate his work and wrote quite a simplified scenario of Santa’s life:

“Santa Claus sleeps in his shop at the North Pole and can only be awakened by either (1) all nine reindeer being back from their vacation in the South Pacific, or (2) some of the elves having difficulty making toys; to allow Santa to get some sleep, the elves can only wake him when three of them have problems. When three elves are having their problems solved, any other elves wishing to visit Santa must wait for those elves to return. If Santa wakes up to find three elves waiting at his shop’s door, along with the last reindeer having come back from the tropics, Santa has decided that the elves can wait until after Christmas, because it is more important to get his sleigh ready. (It is assumed that the reindeer do not want to leave the tropics, and therefore they stay there until the last possible moment.) The last reindeer to arrive must get Santa while the others wait in a warming hut before being harnessed to the sleigh.”

Besides given scenario, lets make some additional specifications:
  • After the ninth reindeer arrives, Santa must invoke prepare_sleigh, and then all nine reindeer must invoke get_hitched
  • After the third elf arrives, Santa must invoke help_elves. Concurrently, all three elves should invoke get_help.
  • All three elves must invoke get_help before any additional elves enter

Not very complicated, as you can see, but till the moment you try to implement it. To make the solution not that boring, I’ve decided to implement it in Ocaml, but not in any enterprise platform like .NET or Java. At the moment I’m writing this post, I haven’t managed to find an Ocaml solution on the internet. Ocaml is an ML-derived functional language with static typing, pattern matching and automatic garbage collection. It has fairly big standard library and nice native code compiler for a number of platforms. However, I’ve chosen it just to make solving Santa’s problem a bit more challenging and interesting, another words, just for fun. I’ll try to comment lines of code looking weird so don’t panic.

Pseudo-code solution

First, let’s solve Santa’s problem using pseudo-code. We’ll use elves and reindeer counters protected by a mutex, a semaphore for Santa (he waits until either an elf or reindeer signals him), a semaphore for reindeers (they wait until Santa signals them to get hitched), semaphore for elves (they wait until Santa helps them) and a mutex to prevent additional elves to enter while three elves are being helped.

Santa’s code is the easiest one (it runs in an infinite loop)
if reindeer == 9
else if elves == 3

Santa checks two conditions and either deals with elves or with reindeer. If there’re nine reindeer waiting, Santa prepares sleigh and signals reindeer semaphore nine times, allowing the reindeer to invoke get_hitched. If there are elves waiting, Santa invokes help_elves.

Code for reindeer is also not very complicated:
reindeer += 1
if reindeer == 9


The ninth reindeer signals Santa and then joins the others waiting for reindeer_sem. When it’s signalled, they invoke get_hitched.

The code for elves is quite similar, but it uses another turnstile for three-elves-stuff:

elves += 1
if elves == 3


elves -= 1
if elves == 0

The first two elves release elf_mutex at the same time they release the mutex, but the last elf holds elf_mutex, preventing other elves from entering until all three elves have invoked get_help. The last elf to leave releases elf_mutex, allowing the next batch of elves to enter.

The Ocaml part

Now the time come to have some fun with Ocaml. First thing to mention is that Ocaml does not have any semaphore built-in class-or-something (it’s because of it’s rich standard library). But it’s not a big issue since it has Mutex and Condition classes (yeah, Ocaml is an Objective Caml and it do has classes) in the Threads library and we can use them to write our own semaphore. To make a semaphore more or less serious, let’s write it in the separate module.

module Semaphore = struct
  class semaphore initial_count initial_name =
    object (self)
      val mutable count = initial_count
      val name = initial_name
      val sync = Mutex.create()
      val cond = Condition.create()
      method inc n = count <- count + n
      method dec n = count <- count - n

      method signal ?(n=1) () =
        Mutex.lock sync;
        self#inc n;
        for i = 1 to n do
          Condition.signal cond
        Mutex.unlock sync

      method wait =
        Mutex.lock sync;
        while count = 0 do
          Condition.wait cond sync
        self#dec 1;
        Mutex.unlock sync

My semaphore has internal mutable (yeah, Ocaml is not a pure functional language like Haskell is) field count (used for a “gate width“ for threads to enter semaphore simultaneously), internal name (used for logging, when I was looking for a deadlock in my code some time ago), one mutex and one condition variable. It has two primary methods: signal with optional parameter N and wait which are just usual increment-decrement/lock-unlock methods of semaphore: signal increments internal counter and if it’s positive, it allows threads to enter critical section which given semaphore guards and wait decrements counter and if it’s zero, calling thread is blocked until counter becomes positive.

If an Ocaml program is split into modules then you can expect a big fun trying to compile that program. First, you have to generate interfaces for that module. Secondly, you have to compile both interface and the module itself:

ocamlc -thread unix.cma threads.cma -i semaphore.ml > semaphore.mli
ocamlc -thread unix.cma threads.cma -c semaphore.mli
ocamlc -thread unix.cma threads.cma -c semaphore.ml

To enable multithreading support (in terms of Posix compatible threads) you have to compile your code with -thread key and include unix and threads compiled modules.

Now let’s write main program. Since we’re dealing with logging and multithreading, I’ve written a function-helper, which uses our Semaphore class to synchronize printing to stdout:

let stdout_sem = new Semaphore.semaphore 1 "stdout_sem";;
let puts s =
  Printf.printf "%s\n" s;
  flush stdout;
  stdout_sem#signal ();;

Next, I’m using some kind of transport structure for Santa, reindeer and elves functions (shared between them and protected by semaphore). This structure (a record in terms of Ocaml) contains counters and semaphores as discussed earlier:

type santa_counters = { mutable elves : int;
                        mutable reindeer : int;
                        santa_sem : Semaphore.semaphore;
                        reindeer_sem : Semaphore.semaphore;
                        elf_sem : Semaphore.semaphore;
                        elf_mutex : Semaphore.semaphore;
                        mutex : Semaphore.semaphore };;

and a simple initializer:

let new_santa_counters () = { elves = 0;
                              reindeer = 0;
                              santa_sem = new 
Semaphore.semaphore 0 "santa_sem";
                              reindeer_sem = new 
Semaphore.semaphore 0 "reindeer_sem";
                              elf_sem = new 
Semaphore.semaphore 0 "elf_sem";
                              elf_mutex = new 
Semaphore.semaphore 1 "elf_mutex";
                              mutex = new 
Semaphore.semaphore 1 "mutex" };;

To make our example more realistic I’ve implemented functions prepare_sleigh and others to see what’s actually happens using my helper for synchronized printing:

let prepare_sleigh () = puts "Prepare sleigh";;
let help_elves () = puts "Help Elves";;
let get_hitched () = puts "Get Hitched";;
let get_help () = puts "Get Help";;

You might thought right now that braces () in the end of each function are kind of usual braces like in Java, C++ etc, but actually it’s an argument of type unit of each function. Please, refer to the tutorials for more details.

Let’s take a look on our pseudo-code solutions implemented in Ocaml:

let santa_role_func c =

    if c.reindeer = 9 then (
    prepare_sleigh ();
    c.reindeer_sem#signal ~n:9 ();
    c.reindeer <- 0;
  else if c.elves = 3 then (
    help_elves ();
    c.elf_sem#signal ~n:3 ()

  c.mutex#signal ();;

let reindeer_role_func (c, i) =
  let s = Printf.sprintf  
"Starting reindeer (%d)" i in
  puts s;
  c.reindeer <- c.reindeer + 1;
  if c.reindeer = 9 then c.santa_sem#signal ();
  c.mutex#signal ();

  get_hitched ();;

let elves_role_func (c, i) =
  let s = Printf.sprintf 
"Starting elf [%d]" i in
  puts s;
  c.elves <- c.elves + 1;
  if c.elves = 3 then
    c.santa_sem#signal ()
    c.elf_mutex#signal ();
  c.mutex#signal ();
  get_help ();

  c.elves <- c.elves - 1;
  if c.elves = 0 then c.elf_mutex#signal ();
  c.mutex#signal ();;

You can notice that santa_role_func accepts one parameter c (our transport structure), but two others accept two parameters. It’s because Santa’s role function is running in a loop and others are running just one time. Second parameter in elves and reindeer functions is an index of a thread in which they’re running (for debug and visualization purposes).

The last (except of compilation) step to implement is to make all this stuff work together:

let c = new_santa_counters () in
let santa_loop () =
  puts "Starting Santa loop";
  while true do
    santa_role_func c;
let santa_array = [| Thread.create santa_loop () |]
reindeer_array = Array.init 9 
(fun i -> Thread.create reindeer_role_func (c, i))
elf_array = Array.init 20 
(fun i -> Thread.create elves_role_func (c, i))
Array.iter Thread.join 
(Array.concat [santa_array; reindeer_array; elf_array]);;

Code above creates three arrays of threads: santa_array (which always contains just one element), reindeer_array (always contains 9 reindeer threads) and elf_array (which contains 20 (fairly chosen) elves threads). After each thread is started, main program joins all of them using humble functional magic with Array.Iter.

What had happened on the North Pole

I’ve copied typical stdout from a santa_problem solution below (and the ocaml version for the clarification).

> ocaml -version

The OCaml toplevel, version 4.01.0

> ./build.sh
> ./santa_problem
Starting santa loop
Starting reindeer (4)
Starting reindeer (5)
Starting reindeer (6)
Starting reindeer (3)
Starting reindeer (7)
Starting reindeer (8)
Starting elf [0]
Starting reindeer (2)
Starting elf [1]
Starting elf [2]
Starting elf [3]
Starting elf [4]
Starting reindeer (1)
Starting elf [5]
Starting elf [6]
Starting elf [7]
Starting elf [8]
Starting elf [9]
Starting elf [10]
Starting elf [11]
Starting elf [12]
Starting reindeer (0)
Starting elf [13]
Starting elf [14]
Starting elf [15]
Starting elf [19]
Prepare sleigh
Starting elf [16]
Starting elf [18]
Get Hitched
Get Hitched
Get Hitched
Get Hitched
Get Hitched
Get Hitched
Get Hitched
Get Hitched
Get Hitched
Starting elf [17]
Help Elves
Get Help
Get Help
Get Help
Help Elves
Get Help
Get Help
Get Help
Help Elves
Get Help
Get Help
Get Help
Help Elves
Get Help
Get Help
Get Help
Help Elves
Get Help
Get Help
Get Help
Help Elves
Get Help
Get Help
Get Help

Merry Xmas

Santa’s problem is one of the classical synchronization problems and is worth looking into. A lot of solutions exist nowadays. For example, there is an interesting approach to solve it in Haskell using Software Transactional Memory (STM). Despite the fact Ocaml does not provide us with as cool features as STM, we can see that building parallel programs in Ocaml is easy fun! As far as I can see, the solution above is kind of first pure Ocaml solution of Santa’s problem.
You can download all code from the Santa's gist.

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